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DPRD Sub-Province Natuna Agree APBD – P

As follow-up from Introductory Oration Note of Finance Device Revenue Plan and Expense Area Sub-Province Natuna, Wednesday ( 19 / 10), hence Council Delegation of Area Sub-Province Natuna have studied on an ongoing basis by entangling Team Budget Local Government Sub-Province Natuna

Is that way submitted by Chief Parliament Area Sub-Province Natuna moment open Plenary Meeting of DPRD with event is Forwarding Of Final Opinion of Faction to Change of Revenue Plan and Expense Area ( APBD) Sub-Province Natuna Year Budget 2012, Wednesday (24 / 10) morning in DPRD Sub-Province Natuna meeting room

He enhance, target of change budget is to give guidance in program execution utilize reaching of strategic plan of development which have been specified. As according to submitted by Oration deliverer is Regent Natuna, proposing change of year budget 2012 equal to Rp. 214.814.000.000 .

After listening entire/all final opinion of faction – DPRD Sub-Province Natuna faction which consist of Faction GOLKAR Plus, PAN Plus, Partai Pelopor Patriot Pembaharuan Karya Bangsa, and Faction Demokrat Nurani Rakyat, entire faction agree proposed change budget

The in the affirmative, hence managed by budget is Sub-Province Natuna year local government 2012 is equal to, Rp. 1.714.814.000.000,-. For that with authentication which have been executed shall Set Of Activity Peripheral Area ( Its SKPD) execute activity which have been budgeted, so that can give support to previous workplan, at the same time remember time which progressively shorten to be added again in this time have entered rain season, felt concerned about by absorbtion of budget cannot be conducted in an optimal fashion.

( Publicity Department Setda. Kab. Natuna : Mz / alx) 24/10/2012


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